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Old January 15, 2013, 02:15 PM   #29
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That said, New York just gave us a very effective (if not morbid) argument not to give an inch. Their bill is very much in line with what Feinstein and others said they wanted, and it's a good indicator of what can happen when folks "just want to do something" without considering the consequences.
NY resident here. I'm sitting here, listening to the state assembly 'discuss' the proposal that's already passed the state senate.

The ramifications for this new legislation are mind-blowing. By making 8+ magazines (in my case, handguns) illegal, they don't NEED to confiscate anything. They're wiping out a whole class of handgun, by not allowing you to carry it due to the magazine restriction. Whether or not that flies in the face of the Heller ruling or not, THEY ARE TRYING IT.

In keeping with this discussion, keep in mind that Cuomo will be running for president soon. Imagine that? The insanity of this legislation would likely move to the national spectrum. Depending on what he drops on us tomorrow, Obama might look moderate by comparison.
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