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Old November 24, 2001, 08:06 PM   #25
Join Date: November 14, 2001
Location: N.C.
Posts: 61
J.B.Hickok. You are right in a way. Trainers are not over rated in civilian community. But rather people misunderstand the protection trained dog. Quite often people get it in their head that they need a protection trained dog and nothing can be said to change their minds. I stated in my first post that perhaps the person should consider a dog just as a deterant. I said that. Look at my first post and you will see. A lot of people get their protection trained dogs and after a while, they change their minds and sell their dogs, or even return them, rather than deal with the responsibility that comes with the dog and it's upkeep. We interview prospective clients and customers and try to evaluate whether they need a protection dog or deterant dog. And what the extent of training needed. Because any bad experience or unhappy client will reflect badly on our business. But if you will read the original post and stick to the text of the original post you will see that I am posting to what was asked. About protection trained dogs. And as to whether a collie would do the work.
Which leads me to Anthony. I deeply respect Mr. Ayoob. And his vast knowlege. But as to how knowlegable he is in protection dog training, I do not know. You said that he has a protection trained Great Dane? Good Also how extensively was his dog trained? As I also stated in earlier posts, There are always exceptions. In any breed. But if you want a dog for protection training, stick to a breed that is bred and proven again and again in this area. Analogy( I asked a motorcycle mechanic once if there was any thing he could do to improve my honda cb750's performance? I stated that the gsxr750 suzuki was incredibly fast. Why was the honda slow? He said " If you want a bike that performs like a gsxr750, buy a gsxr750.) So if you want a dog to do protection work, buy a dog bred for this work.
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