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Old October 24, 2013, 11:09 PM   #6
Join Date: June 3, 2013
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Posts: 98
Ah, Hi-Points... The LGS I worked at for years sold the crap out of those little guns. Every time we'd get them in the sold out fast. A lot of people bough them as vehicle beater guns, or were first time owners. I always thought of those Hi-Points as the ugly red-headed bastard step kids of the gun world. Still we hardly ever shipped them back for service for our customers, and I don't recall any complaints about their operation. When we shut down the 9's were running about 110 and the .45's at around 130 with the 995's somewhere around 160-170. If you ask me, they are definitely one of the best bang for you buck guns. I honestly wouldn't mind having one someday for a fun gun...

As for the little Walther, well my feelings are mixed and from all I've ever seen it's hit or miss with the little buggers, still I do like them as well, but they sure wouldn't be much more than a fun plinker.
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