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Old August 30, 2011, 07:20 AM   #9
Join Date: April 8, 2006
Posts: 25
When I initially called 911, i got a recording so i hung up the phone. About 30 seconds later, 911 called me back. I reported to 911 how many suspects and a description on what they were wearing. I also told the 911 operator that I was a registered gun owner and I had my weapon loaded and that I will defend myself if the intruder in the backyard attempted to enter my house.
The police came 15 min later due to the fact they saturated the neighborhood. In all about 7 police cars responded. When they arrived at my house, they had caught all three and they came to my house so I can ID the suspects and fill out a police report. I didnt ID the suspects at my house, the suspects were caught down the street, I rode one of the squad cars to ID them.
The cops were really cool. I mentioned to them about shooting an intruder in my house and they said I would have been justifed. But you never know nowadays with lawyers and the courts. Bravo to the police department!
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