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Old January 17, 2007, 03:39 PM   #27
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A friend gave me a great way to both resolve most problems like this and to secure friendly witnesses in the worst of cases. It goes like this a bum, hoodlum, scumbag, thug, punk, whatever approaches making you uncomfortable even thought they haven't yet proved to be a threat. You loudly say STOP LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY DON'T ROB ME!!! followed by GET AWAY DON'T HURT ME SOMEONE HELP ME if they continue to advance.

Of course you follow all of the smart tactical rules like keeping distance, scanning for others, escape if possible, etc.

If you are forced to shoot the only thing witnesses can say is that you told the guy not to rob you, not to hurt you, and asked for help. No cussing to give the appearance of starting a fight or getting upset and allowing emotion to overtake you and cause you to shoot out of anger instead of fear.

It has been field tested and approved.....never had to draw or shoot yet thankfully and it stops them in their tracks. I don't know if they think you are nuts or realize that you are getting things ready in case you have to blast them but it works.
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