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Old December 5, 2012, 12:56 AM   #116
Staff In Memoriam
Join Date: October 31, 2007
Location: Western Florida panhandle
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Digression... Its like deja vu all over again...
But before I get back on topic with this here thread Lemme digress a bit first...

In response to the aspect of a burglary being better for me than being in the home when a burglary of an occupied dwelling commences... If they find my arms, than it will severely affect me for future protection since my financial lifestyle is such that dead presidents just doesn't exist en masse here making replacement tuff...

I have little in here to protect regarding property so insurance would be a net loss many fold in short order...

Now back to the topic...

Having been in sales of pest control services, I know anyone using such intimidating pressure would be in a bad way trying that with my wife... May Zeus watch over them if my wife did hand him a phone because he TOLD her to call me... "Sure Mr.Bell, I will be right home to listen to your pitch. Now tell my wife you will be waiting for me so make a pot of coffee..."

My wife would have never gotten further than speaking thru the cracked open door at most informing them we are not interested and if they even try to pressure start a dialogue, they would get a polite but sharp, "Now move along..." as the door closes and the dogs are told to stand down...

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