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Old December 9, 2012, 03:43 AM   #6
Join Date: October 8, 2012
Posts: 27
If it's about "satisfying the requirements as a corp..."...why goes this route vs applying as an "individual" or "a trust"? Some one said it's faster to apply "in trust"...

As for my "...I live in California..." comment all i meant was being that I live in CA it would be pointless for me to look into Class 3 firearms in a state where you're limited to 10+1 rounds in pistols..where CCW is next to impossible...forget OC...etc.

Was just a question I wondered about. That and what does a firearms owner do to legally transfer the ownership of our firearms on the event that none of our family/friends have permits or are even anti-firearm. Could we setup an estate auction where our firearms are only sold to permit holders? What if there are none?
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