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Old November 3, 2011, 11:22 AM   #20
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
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A couple of interesting points about this case. The family of the deceased pistol-whipping scumbag advocated strenuously for the CCW to be prosecuted. They even created a Facebook page called "Justice for Darren Evanovich" which was ultimately shut down when it ended up having more members than family members - and intially the goal of the site was to see the CCW prosecuted. After some "blowback" the website shifted to being more of a memorial for the scumbag/trolling for Fortunately, the DA declined to prosecute, despite the pressure and some truly one-sided reporting by the Star-Tribune.

A second interesting point is that the scumbag's sister (who called 911) was present at the scene and later arrested by police on suspicion of being the mastermind in a series of robberies. The old saying about there is always another one out there was true in this case, she just didn't show up as an immediate threat; but rather as a hostile witness. One more thing to keep in mind.
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