Thread: 45 acp defense
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Old October 30, 2013, 01:10 PM   #13
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carry vs home protection rounds....

You could use a well made frangible like Glaser Silver or MagSafe SWAT for general carry but Id go with a proven LE type round that might do better against common barriers like auto glass, building materials, clothing(leather denim down/insulation) etc. In short, the FBI protocol conditions.

Out in the open, you might encounter the same basic circumstances as a sworn LE officer. A thug or felon may be behind cover or they may be near a vehicle.
Now if you are in a densely populated area or work somewhere where common JHPs may have problems(court building, shipyard, medical center/clinic, etc), you might choose a frangible load with a JHP or FMJ in the spare magazines(if required).

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