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Old September 20, 2006, 05:08 AM   #42
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TE A & Pinky, I should have said the crudest of striker fired pistols or the least sophisticated, cheapest, dangerous, etc.

Basically you have a channel directly behind the cartridge just like most other quality handguns. This channel houses the firing pin assembly. The Hi Point consists of a firing pin, firing pin spring, and the sear. Upon chambering a round the firing pin spring is compressed by the firing pin and held back by the sear. The sear locks the firing pin by less than an 1/8inch ring of pop metal.

The safety consists of another piece of metal that simply prevents the sear from dropping and firing the gun. The gun is so at risk of accidental firing that the factory recommends never carrying the chamber loaded. While this recommendation could be liability related in other quality guns it is danger related on the hi point.

Nothing even close to the Glock.
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