Thread: Ticks!!!
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Old November 10, 2005, 05:52 PM   #7
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Join Date: August 2, 2001
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There is a prescription tick/flea/worm killer called Revolution, that you can put on a dog. Got to get it from the vet as far as I know as it is really powerful. It will thin down the ticks considerably though you still have to check for them after you get home.

For hunting trips I often sprinkle my socks and pants cuffs with sulfur powder (of the kind that you normally use to dust rose bushes, azaleas and blueberry bushes) althogh the dogs don't like it very much. A lot of folks tolerate sulfur pwder better than DEET, as DEET will really do a number on you if you get it into your eyes or on sensitive areas of the body. I stopped using DEET after it frosted a beeper I was wearing so I couldn't read the numbers through the plastic any more.
In a few years when the dust finally clears and people start counting their change there is a pretty good chance that President Obama may become known as The Great Absquatulator. You heard it first here on TFL.
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