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Old August 29, 2008, 10:43 PM   #43
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Join Date: December 24, 1999
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I'm a 5.56 guy, in so far as I am not in a position to be engaging anyone beyond its capabilities.

On split times and effectiveness:

My splits, along with the rest of the world, are faster. If I need to go even faster, I flip the selector switch to three round burst. My split times are, shall we say, mechanically impressive at that point. And the effectiveness of one round, let alone three? I'm comfortable with it.

Oh, and DA's comment about the difficulties of training with the heavier options shouldn't be under estimated. I've seen guys fatigue and allow bad habits to surface as the day wore on with some of the more traditional main battle rifles.

Don't get me wrong, the heavies have a place, and I like them there.
Meriam Webster's: Main Entry: ci·vil·ian Pronunciation: \sə-ˈvil-yən also -ˈvi-yən\, Function: noun, Date: 14th century, 1: a specialist in Roman or modern civil law, 2 a: one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force b: outsider 1, — civilian adjective

Last edited by Erik; August 30, 2008 at 10:30 AM. Reason: Spelun, not content
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