Thread: Wheelguns
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Old November 12, 1998, 01:03 AM   #3
Clay Whitehead
Join Date: November 1, 1998
Location: Centralia, WA USA
Posts: 28
C'mon Tony. You know that IDPA cof's are supposed to be revolver neutral. It says so in the rules and used to say so all over that goofy list (which I don't get anymore).

I usually carry a revolver (S&W M-10) in the woods so I can vary the load. Since it's more likely I'd have to shoot at "two legged snakes" than grouse, it would be nice to gain some proficiency with it by shooting matches.

The only thing that stopped me last year was the lack of an IDPA approved holster. I was too cheap to buy one when I could use the money for components and match fees. This winter I'll pick up a Dillon and work on speedloader technique.

The big problem may be IDPA cof's at the FAS range. I think we'll see more tactical matches with Reactive Teds. Let's see, if I had about 25 speedloaders in my pocket...

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