Thread: security signs
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Old August 14, 2012, 01:35 AM   #28
Join Date: March 24, 2011
Posts: 63
You can buy yard signs / window stickers that say you have a security system...

Even though you don't own a security system.

Works great for a deterrent. I know a guy who did same thing with the yard signs w/o a security system, his home foreclosed, and the foreclosure close-up service guys the bank hired were all tentative to enter his house...because of the $10 sign on the front yard. They had to call the guy who used to own the home, that had to be a funny conversation about "well, I don't actually have a security system..."

Besides, alarm company isn't going to signal anyone to show up immediately when you need help. You got several to scores of minutes to handle that yourself on your own. That's what guns are for.
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