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Old August 12, 2009, 07:13 AM   #7
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Join Date: April 4, 2009
Posts: 322
I don't know about you guys but I could have done without this guy. The net is already digging up tons of stuff on him, true or not who's to say, but he added NOTHING positive to the conversation. Read the comments on any of the articles, especially the "liberal biased" ones, and across the board they're calling him a nutjob, a wacko, a birther, a freeper, etc etc.

Everyone's outraged, and the gun issue is out there on the front page again anchored entirely to negative connotations. I was glad to see that he seemed intelligent and non-confrontational or extremist in his interview, but I still could have done without him.

This was actually the best case scenario for him too. The camera guy who saw the gun could have screamed "he has a gun!" to incite panic and good tv, everyone would have scattered, secret service would have tackled him and arrested him and we'd have a front page story of a registered gun owner coming to a presidential event with unknown intentions. They'd dig up his net activity, maybe he posts here, and this site would be discussed negatively. They track down different members for interviews (I'm certainly easy enough to track down) and get someone, possibly like me, who still has limited knowledge (enough to have an opinion, but not enough to give a good interview)...

To be honest? If I had been in charge of crowd control and protection, I would have arrested him regardless of the legality of such an arrest. I'd "detain him". Say I smelled marijuanna or alcohol on his breath. Whatever it took to move him from the event. He must have been very far away from where the president was going to be and he certainly had a crosshair on him for the rest of the day.
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