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Old January 7, 2000, 11:30 AM   #11
Glenn E. Meyer
Senior Member
Join Date: November 17, 2000
Posts: 20,064
Get a big strong bedroom door and frame, such that it would take a sincere effort to kick it in. I should do that as I preach.

Surefire or other tactical light the door
as it opens.

Have an accessible alarm activation in the
master bedroom to sound the sirens.
(yes, they cut the alarm - but there are solutions for that. Call cops on cell phone.
Yell the warning.

Tactics depend on whether you sleep with a qualified combatant. Do you have a drill for this? Or are they (or you) losing it?

If non-combatant, can they do the phone?

If the door does now crash in - hope you have
planned your position.

Shooting through door is a bummer though.

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