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Old December 15, 2010, 10:59 PM   #37
Glenn Dee
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Join Date: September 9, 2009
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That pre-concieved place in your head, and being acosted by that pre-concieved looking person in your head... is the most dangerous place you can be.

Crime can and will happen anywhere. Crime can and will happen to anyone. Your assailent can and may look like anyone.

Believing that any particular kind of a person will be the one to attack you is folley. IMO the most likely the person to visit violence upon you will be someone you know. The kind of a person most likely to be a victim of violent criminal behaviour is the criminals themselves.

Unless you frequent, or work in an area where crime is uncontroled, it's unlikely that you become a victim. In fact I believe that it's far more likely that the average person become a victim of confedence game, or larceny than a victim of a violent criminal.

Glenn Dee
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