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Old November 23, 2012, 12:50 PM   #12
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Reading far too much into this, guys.

You went from her assertion of a self-endowed right to her using deadly force against someone for "ridicule, bias, discrimination and judgment from those who disagree with [her] stand or are simply uneducated and ignorant of the facts about gun ownership, self-defense, and safety."

As for the other part where she asserts a right against intimidation -- if that intimidation is a guy standing over her with a ball bat, or other threatening device, she should use whatever force is necessary to stop that intimidation.
Gun Control: The premise that a woman found in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is morally superior to allowing that same woman to defend her life with a firearm.

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-- former Northwest Airlines pilot Stephen Luckey
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