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Old December 8, 2008, 01:13 PM   #8
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Join Date: September 9, 2008
Location: Fredericksburg, VA
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AKs are pretty bad HD weapons from an overpenetration standpoint, but I always have my AK ready just in case it is the only thing I can get to at the time...
Or in case my entire city decides that looting is okay...

And all the comments on that news link about people wishing the bad guys died or how they wish someone would try to rob them made me kinda sad... Killing someone because you have to is one thing, but wishing people dead is another ball game altogether...
I guess its too easy to be macho on the Internetz

That said, I personally think two dead BGs with no chance to tell their side of the story is better than two live BGs who come back and sue for "emotional distress" or say they were "surrendering" when shot at...
Then again, I live in VA, not NY...
And it's Killer Angel... as in the book
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