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Old September 9, 2013, 05:04 PM   #14
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Join Date: December 10, 1999
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I would have just asked the officer how he wants me to do that, and let him know I just want to do it in a manner he is comfortable with. Do you want to just see it in my holster, or should I hold it downward, hand it to you, or clear it?

Kind of an awkward situation because you got to think he could be on high alert anytime anyone has a weapon drawn in his presence. Or he could be totally at ease and confident you are law abiding and think nothing of it.
Believe me, I did. When he asked to see the gun, I made SURE by asking if he really wanted me to take it out of my pocket.

He said yes, but I still took it out in as unthreatening a manner as possible I said..... this was not a COMFY situation for me.

I do NOT fumble guns even if I have them by the trigger guard. I could safely pinch the hammer or hold it upside down. I am ...very.... familiar with firearms. Had one since age 7, now 72. And quite a few trophies along the way.

I was simply NOT comfortable with this situation and that's all I'm saying.

Other than if it were ME and I were a cop, I'd rather the citizen just kept his hands off it. That's MY opinion.

We've discussed it and now it's past and I am still not comfortable showing my gun (plus in CA "brandishing" is stressed HEAVILY in all our training and qual courses.)

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