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Old September 9, 2012, 11:18 AM   #29
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Join Date: January 24, 2010
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"...Heller view of reasonable restriction"
Really? Kagan, Sotomayor, Ginsberg, and Breyer are all on the record to go beyond what an AWB would call for. AWB would be mild in comparison to what they would do. We know for a fact what would happen if Kennedy were replaced by POTUS in second term. But fortunately, AWB is DOA. Unfortunately D.C. and Chicago and California and ... are all passing one bad law after another so AWB is the least likely way "Constitutional" restriction will be placed on the Second Amendment. Stupid state laws would go up to "reformed" SCOTUS and bye bye. Unless a Federal law gets passed, unlikely as long as House stays as is, and makes its way up to SCOTUS, then we will have a checker board of good/bad state laws.
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