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Old January 15, 2013, 06:05 PM   #19
Metal god
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Join Date: April 10, 2012
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My senators and congresscritter are all Democrats, and my state always votes Democratic. It has been decades since we had a Republican Senator. My U.S. Representative has been getting reelected for longer than anyone can remember.
I have the same issue . Dang look where I'm at CA what am I to do , write feistein and ask her not to support her own bill ?

Well thats what I did five times in the last month But I got ta tell ya it sure seems like a waist of time . I have wrote My congress women more then that but have not gotten a reply .
If Jesus had a gun , he'd probably still be alive !

I almost always write my posts regardless of content in a jovial manor and intent . If that's not how you took it , please try again .
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