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Old December 4, 2008, 10:07 AM   #10
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Join Date: February 2, 2007
Location: Iowa
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There is absolutely no damn reason that someone should not sell green pelts. Here in Iowa 99.9% of hunters and trappers sell their furs green. 99% of those guys are definitely not slob hunters and could very well be better and more ethical than you. It's not like the furs are sitting and rotting out in the field.

You also don't get bottom $$ for green furs. The buyers have the equipment and the buildings required to properly handle the furs the way they WANT them done. Their fleshing machines do a better,quicker job of handling the fur than you can and at most they dock the price by a couple of bucks for "properly handled" green fur.

You can think that we are slobs for not putting up our fur but I'll be in the field working my dogs why you are spending many extra hours finishing your furs for a couple extra bucks.

Don't take this as I'm opposed to a person finishing their furs and shipping to auction. I've though about it myself. But for the few coon the original poster was talking about he'd be money ahead to leave em lay.

BTW, because of the current fur market I'd leave all small coon/ugly coon ALIVE unless you are killing them for ADC purposes or population control.

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