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Old July 14, 2013, 12:48 AM   #41
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What about civil suits going the other way - like GZ suing whatever tv stations that redacted key elements of the 911 call to make him out to be a big racist? some of those actions directly flavored the public opinion on this thing for some time. I don't know all the potential here, but he has to move to another state, probably hire bodyguards for all his family members, lost weight, etc. I suspect an imaginative soul could go on for some time with ideas. He is going to have some big bills to pay.......
Very, very unlikely. Zimmerman is a public figure, and for a public figure to prevail in a libel/slander suit, he/she must prove not only that the utterer of the libel/slander knew that the information was false, but that it was uttered with malice. That's a tough nut to crack.
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