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Old March 9, 2001, 12:52 PM   #15
Marty Hayes
Senior Member
Join Date: September 16, 1999
Posts: 244
You should be ashamed of yourselves

I am appalled with those people who have written Gabe off. First off, if he has been indicted, he has yet to be convicted. The internal workings of a police dept. are very political, and it is just possible that he has been the victim of a political prosecution. This happens all the time in police work, one of the little known, unsavory items about being a cop.

Secondly, you all are the first people to complain about the government and it's intrusion into your civil/constitutional rights. Why not give Gabe and his wife the same respect that you insist on?

Then, there are the nature of the charges. Workman's comp violations? Have you ever fudged on your income taxes? If so, you have committed a felony too, just never been caught. I am not saying he did or didn't do what he is accused of, but let's wait for the trial, okay?

I had Gabe here for a class last October, and have him scheduled here in August. He is remaining on the schedule, and I sincerely hope that he is exonerated in these charges.

Marty Hayes, Director
The Firearms Academy of Seattle, Inc.
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