Thread: HD Question
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Old January 24, 2014, 07:54 PM   #9
Brian Pfleuger
Moderator Emeritus
Join Date: June 25, 2008
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Originally Posted by ChasingWhitetail91
After calling the cops I would turn into a human fire siren, but if I seen the door handle jiggling I would much rather shoot a warning shot at the ground then have to wait for the situation to escalate. I was just wondering if it would legal to do so given the situation?
Warning shots are legal in some areas, not in others, but they are almost never a good idea. You should be yelling things like "LEAVE NOW! THE POLICE ARE ON THE WAY! I AM ARMED AND I WILL DEFEND MYSELF! LEAVE NOW! DO NOT ENTER THIS ROOM OR I WILL SHOOT YOU!"

That's the warning. Breaking down doors with someone shouting at them that they will be shot is all the warning they need.

You can never guarantee that your bullets won't cause damage. You could shoot a gas line in your basement. You could hit a rock in your yard and ricochet the bullet into your neighbors house. Too many risks.

Firearms are for deadly force, not making scary noises.
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...they just don't plan not to.
-Andy Stanley
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