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Old September 8, 2010, 09:44 AM   #3
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
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How does someone with a blanking Master's degree in Journalism from Columbia University write such nonsense?

First of all, the new report doesn't contradict the earlier reports. The new report measures Mexican crime scene guns [b]traced[/i] by ATF. The report it supposedly contradicts measures U.S. guns found at Mexican crime scenes. Of course those numbers are going to be wildly different. If Mexico finds a crate of Chinese grenades at a crime scene, are they going to call up the ATF to find out where they came from?

And the bit about ATF being unable to even fine dealers who sell guns illegally? Either the NRA has been a lot more active this year than I've given them credit for or that is just blatantly, factually wrong. Any FFLs here want to start selling firearms illegally and see if all that happens is you lose your license?

I appreciate that she at least tried to include other points of view; but that is still extremely shoddy journalism. It looks like she just summarized her 10 minute Google search and is passing it off as "news."
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