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Old June 13, 2007, 10:28 PM   #67
Join Date: April 18, 2007
Posts: 59
As for hunting, no one that does it ever called it "a sport". We do it for sport. Kinda hard to explain but there is a big difference. Sort of like explaining what "a sport" is. Football, baseball etc are "a sport", but what about ice skating? Certainly those folks are more talented and athletic than most everyone else. How about darts? Someone wins, someone loses, but anyone can do it. Bowling, Nascar, golf etc. The definition of sport is well like the old saying goes, "I can't define obscene, I just know it when I see it."

As for whether there is a bigfoot. Look at the Patterson film. If you know animals, you know the difference between "living" fur and a costume. Beyond that, realize that whatever walked in front of Pattersons camera weighed between 800 and 1,000lbs. Period, that's a fact. Could they make a costume to look that good, doubtful, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Could a human make those prints. No way in hell. Take a reeaally big guy, say 500lbs. Do you really think he could carry a hidden jacket of some sort weighing 300 lbs or more and look that graceful if he could even walk that far? Nope, not a chance. Who knows what Patterson filmed, but it weren't no human.
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