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Old November 15, 2008, 02:57 AM   #3
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Join Date: December 28, 1999
Location: In a kornfield in kalifornia
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Yep, $200 is pretty darn steep. As pictured on the box, range is basically across a card table. Might double the distance if you put sights on it. Fun to shoot though The trigger seems to be able to touch off one barrel at a time dry firing (catch the hammers & don't let them peen the nipples) but in live fire the minimal recoil makes both barrels go- only way to shoot one barrel at a time is to only cock one hammer. Again, fun to load & shoot, easy to clean. I have some chrony data around here somewhere, but I wouldn't use it to put a small injured dog down if I had a choice between it & a medium sized stick.
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