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Old February 4, 2013, 10:21 AM   #20
Mike Irwin
Join Date: April 13, 2000
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 41,389
"Like I said in my first post These shootings seem much more prevalent today than they did 20 years ago."

But which of the factors is the trigger in the rise in school shootings?

1. Increased use of pharmaecuticals?

2. Increased exposure to violence on TV?

3. Increased exposure to violence in video games?

4. Unknown/unrecognized societal factors and pressures?

For the past 20 years, since that guy shot up the printing plant in Kentucky, some people have been trying really hard draw a conclusive link between SSRI-type antidepressants and violence.

Not unlike the same way some people have been trying to draw a conclusive link between firearms and violence.

The studies that have been conducted are, at best, inconclusive.
"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is in fact the most precious and valuable possession of mankind" -Theodorus Gaza

Baby Jesus cries when the fat redneck doesn't have military-grade firepower.
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