Thread: The horror...
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Old January 5, 2013, 07:23 PM   #5
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Join Date: January 7, 2012
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I'm just now gettin' around to cleaning mine. I shot it many times over the last week. But I got a good system now.... I got a tupperware container (I think it was designed for tea or something) and put a RemDry bag in it. The bag is sized for a 24 gun safe, so it's more than sufficient for a little sealed box with one revolver in it. So now I can load whichever BP iron I'm totin' that week, wear it around, and even shoot just one or two cylinders, and pop it back into the dry box at night and between carrying, until I find something worthy of firing the rest of the cylinders, or... it's time (and I have the time) to clean it, and don't have to worry a bit about corrosion. I can see the blue dot on the RemDry bag from the outside. It turns pink when it needs recharging (in the oven).

*** I don't have any kids, so there's no danger from a loaded handgun being out of the safe.
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