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Old March 17, 2005, 12:52 AM   #47
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Join Date: February 15, 2005
Location: Pensacola, Fl
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A> I wear seat belts anyway, and I wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle anyway -- not because of the law, but because I think it is wise. I don't think that the government needs to be involved in forcing people to be wise.

B> Your argument assumes that the taxpaying public would be held financially liable for people engaging in foolish activities. I deny this. Actually, I recognize that is the current case, but it shouldn't be. That is actually a socialist/collectivist policy, and I oppose it. I think that people should be held financially responsible for their own choices in life. It should be a matter between the individual and their insurance company. Yes, I object to paying for other's stupidity, just like you do. But I don't see where the government should be coerceing that money from me. Your solution is to forbid the activity, like how Mommy and your teacher forbade you from running with sissors. Mine is to allow it, but not to pay for the fool's folly, since free adults don't need Mommies. Let the idiots who engage in that sort of thing pay for it out of their own pocket, perhaps with higher insurance premiums. Sorta like how people with poor driving records should pay higher premiums as they are more of a risk. Same thing about smokers. That way the more wise and prudent of the population still pay lower premiums, which is a win-win situation. The people who want to engage can, and the people who don't don't have to pay for it.

So, no, your assertion that it costs everybody $$$'s isn't true, not in a truely free society (which is not what we currently have). For the freedoms of that free society comes with increased personal responsibility, which balances things.

Meaning, if you do something stupid, you are liable. If you can't cover your liability (out of your own pocket, or by insurance), tough taco. You lose.
Formerly lived in Ga, but now I'm back in Tx! Aaaand, now I'm off to Fla...
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