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Old January 14, 2012, 09:48 AM   #27
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In a lot of jurisdictions, bare fists do not make the standard for deadly force, unless a strong argument can be made for disparity of force. EG, healthy vs disabled, adult vs child, adult vs elderly, multiple assailants, etc.

Those jurisdictions are often the ones that consider the display of a weapon to be unjustified unless the actual use of deadly force would have been warranted.

It appears WY does not fall into that category.

For the "only draw if you are going to shoot" crowd, bear in mind that over 90% of SD uses of handguns result in no shots fired - the BG ceases hostilities upon seeing the weapon. If the BG ceases to be a threat, justification for deadly force ceases, too, so be careful about getting into the "If I draw I must shoot" trap.
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