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Old May 3, 2012, 01:13 AM   #13
Irish B
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Join Date: October 10, 2010
Location: Colorado
Posts: 359
The bears are starting to poke around my house too. Time to get the rubber buck ready just in case. Actually word has it there's a big male tom lion hanging around the neighborhood so usually if you have one it keeps the other away. I remember two summers ago I had a big bear make rounds through my yard almost every night till all of a sudden he was nowhere to be found. After a few days I found a deer leg in my yard and my neighbor found the rest of the buck in his tree along with lion tracks. All of a sudden we missed our bear! So long as you have a bear around you usually are safe from lions. It seems people get too excited when judging a bears weight. Same with wolves. That bear looks 300 lbs tops.
If a man hasn't found something worth dying for, he isn't fit to live
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