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Old January 8, 2013, 05:35 PM   #81
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$, school security, Run-Hide-Fight, LTC David Grossman...

First off, it's not politics or hot air, many schools & states are losing $(revenue) all across the nation. Many urban areas have closed schools, fired staff & teachers or stated to parents-PTAs that they have no $.
This was pre-Sandy Hook too. Did the $ fairy show up & throw out millions of $$$ to these communities in the last 3 weeks?
As I posted too, reserve deputies, citizen patrols or FAM-type armed guards are a good idea in theory but what about civil liability or insurance? Who picks up that cost? Who pays the lawyers when there is a ND or a use of force event?
I posted a response to a school security topic a few weeks ago explaining how a sworn deputy had to taser a pregnant 14yr old girl in a school fight.
Ask any police chief or county sheriff(not a guy who's brother knew a woman who dated a state trooper's barber) if they have use of force lawsuits or or if they are concerned about bad PR/civil rights violations.

I'd add that Lt Col(LTC) David Grossman's On Killing(2009 format) is a great read. He researched the topic & offers good insight.

I have serious issues with the "good guys with guns" policy. It's going to take more efforts than that to improve conditions in 2013.
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