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Old April 24, 2012, 08:29 AM   #17
Join Date: February 22, 2011
Posts: 17
First of all, thanks for all the tips and advice!

Let me clear up a few things: The apartment complex is in no way connected to the school so there should be no issues there. The apartment I live in now is very small so the bayonet would be better than nothing if someone did enter. I also planned on asking my current management about the subject and not the future ones. I will also make precautions not to have the firearm just sitting out because I know that there will be plenty of people over who I don't want handling my gun!

From what I am hearing I should just carefully read the lease and if nothing is mentioned on the matter just assume that firearms are allowed? I understand that asking the management about it could get them nervous but I still don't want to do anything illegal. Could I contact the local police department and ask instead of a lawyer?
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