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Old September 11, 2009, 01:00 PM   #9
Join Date: September 11, 2009
Posts: 90
No offense meant, but you are asking a question with no good answer. If you want sufficient penetration on a black bear with a .40 S&W, you need full metal jacket. If you want any stopping power at all in this cartridge, you need a good hollow point. The problem is, the hollow point won't reliably penetrate the large bones and heavy tissue in this animal to reach the vitals, and the FMJ might go clean through without doing enough damage to even slow the attack. Your question is ignoring a big hole in your premise, and if you insist on taking this gun with you, I'd strongly advise that you don't shoot it at any real bears. I'd suggest using it to make some noise, if that doesn't dissuade the animal from attacking, give it a well placed slug from your elk rifle. This is as serious as it gets, and playing with it like it's a matter of opinion could get you seriously hurt, crippled, or killed. Do it right, or not at all.
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