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Old September 18, 2008, 07:04 PM   #14
David Armstrong
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Join Date: January 24, 2005
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I never said I put my hand on my weapon... I did say I would if it was obvious I was getting mugged,
Sorry, but "Ive had a few homeless people who started turning violent but changed their minds pretty quick when they saw what my right hand started reaching for..." sure sounds like you are advocating reaching for your gun to intimidate or threaten, as does "But I expect in a mugging where no weapon is drawn on you, a simple reaching for your weapon and getting it ready to be pulled would be ample to "diffuse" the situation. If it turns violent you'll at least be ready... Thats probably what I would have done in the above scenario, though not having been there I couldnt say for sure..."
But if they do have a gun hidden and feel like using it, i'll be alive and they'll be dead
I always have to ask when statements like that are made: Why do you think that you will always come out on top? As Glenn is fond of pointing out, FoF tends to knock that notion out of folks pretty quick.
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