Thread: Deer snorting
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Old October 12, 2006, 08:44 PM   #1
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Deer snorting

The sound I most dislike, and hear too often - the problem is being upwind without good scent control.

My question is, what exactly does it MEAN in whitetail language. Obviously it means they are trying to get a better whiff of the scent to figure out what it is, and something is a little off, but which of these 3 does it mean precisely? Please pick one and only one of these 3 - the one that comes closest to the actual answer in your mind:

1. It just means they smell something out of the ordinary, and want more information - they are on alert at that point, but not necessarily high alert/alarm (with them making their way quickly away from you). So it's to your advantage to to stay calm, stay still & quiet initially, and then try to stalk in some more, preferably making your way downwind - maybe if they don't hear or smell any more from you, they won't wander far - keep hunting those particular deer right then and there,


2. It always or almost always means not only that they smell something awry, but they KNOW it's human scent or at least bad mojo scent, and this sound means HIGH alert, alarm to other deer, time to clear out - get the hell outta dodge. So give up hunting - they are gonna be long gone before you make your way downwind and try to stalk up.


3. It *depends* on the exact sound of the wheeze/snort - if it's high pitched and short intervals between, it's an alarm. If it's more normal pitched and several seconds between, it's not necessarily an alarm, just an alert deer wanting more information.

????? Sometimes I think it's #2, sometimes I think it's #3. I don't think it's #1 but it could be. Anyone know for sure? Thanks.
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