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Old September 14, 2001, 09:31 PM   #9
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Join Date: September 14, 2001
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hijacking and do nothing??

PaladinX13 you are absolutely right. I guess I should have phrased it, I would WANT to do something, anything. In reality, you se a guys neck cut from a box knife, how brave are you? For me, that would scare the hell out of me. I'd still want to do something, I'm no hand t hand expert, but I'd still want to do something and if they say they have a bomb??? That has happened, a lot more than plastic knives and box cutters, so I don't think there is any way to judge when you get hit with disinformation. Very scary stuff.

If you "attack" and convince three other passengers to do the same thing and they get killed and you don't. You aren't much of a hero, not when you didn't know what kind of training those other passengers had.

So, my reply is, as usual, being an arm chair quarterback is easy, sitting on the plane and you have friends or loved ones or children on the plane... You sit there and do nothing. Almost all hijackings have usually resulted in NO deaths to passengers, (a few exceptions, one being a Navy diver, beaten to death because he was refered to as a marine, in German marine and navy diver are close). So usually sitting there and doing nothing is safest to you, your fellow passengers and your crew.

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