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Old November 21, 2004, 02:34 PM   #37
Jeff Gonzales
Senior Member
Join Date: June 9, 2004
Location: Prescott, AZ
Posts: 126
Cheek our schedule


Thanks for the follow up post, glad it was helpful. If you get the chance check our schedule as we will be in NJ several times next year. Also, consider joining our mailing list to keep up to date on our activities.

Typically when people are having problems at the longer distance or any distance for that matter instructors will tell them to Slow Down. Slowing down can still produce the same problems. I know it is a figure of speach, but most student take it literally and still cannot improve.

What we really like to focus on was mentioned in your post. concentration, we need to intensify the focus on the fundamentals to produce the desired results. We have a new 1-day Profeciency Module coming out soon called Distance Shooting Technique (DST), which is nothing more than providing the instruction and opportunity to shoot at the greater distances. The focus of this class is not what most folks think, it provides the shooter a better understanding of the fundamentals and then boosts their skills confidence. When they see themselves shooting at targets from the 50 yard line in the same amount of time as they do at 25 yard line with the same type of hits it really helps boosts their ego and performance.

Take care and see you soon.

Jeff Gonzales
Director of Training
Trident Concepts, LLC.
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