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Old May 9, 1999, 09:18 AM   #14
Join Date: May 8, 1999
Posts: 18
The club I'm shooting IDPA at is lucky enough to have a "builder". This means that we have what we've been calling a "mystery match" course of fire. Our builder will build some walls and a door, we'll lay out some targets (usually less than six) for the course of fire then keep it all secret from the shooters that show up on match day. When the buzzer goes off the shooter has to open the door, sort out the threats from the non threats in a course of fire that the shooter hasn't been able to see and plan for. They are some of the most popular COF's.

When designing these COF's, we try to stress the shooter by forcing the unknown on him/her. What I've always found interesting during these stages is how slow everyone shoots compared to the stages that everyone can see, even when the ranges are sometimes point blank and the shooter is allowed to move as much as they want.

We can get a good feel for how well the COF was by hearing comments like..."I was so nervous..."

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