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Old October 18, 2011, 05:27 PM   #100
Join Date: June 8, 2008
Posts: 4,022
Posted by hartlock: Here we go! Now, we got MLEAKE tellin us that we are bloodthirsty killers,...
MLeake's opinions notwithstandng, you have already given investigators and a Grand Jury a basis from which to arrive at such a conclusion, and a prosecutor, all he or she will need to portray you as a bloodthirsty killer, should the occasion ever arise:
If the guys, teenagers, or whatever age they are, come into my house at 2:30 am, they are getting shot! Period!
This is somewhat less damning, but the effect would be additive:
You do what you want in your house, I will do what needs to be done in mine, if thats ok with you, and even if it aint ok!
And, of course, this:
You start making up rules to when and where you are gonna shoot someone THAT IS IN YOUR HOUSE, you are already in a world of hurt, in my opinion!
We all need to understand a few things:
  • While castle doctrine laws do go a long way toward establishing justification wean deadly force is used in a home invasion, they are not necessarily completely determinitive; in Texas, for example, being "in your house" is just part of the requirement.
  • We all need to always avoid creatng evidence that can be used against us to establish mens rea, and placing it in a medium in which there is no expectation of privacy.
  • Any of us may someday be faced with the decision of whether to fire a firearm at someone in our home;upon that decision, our survival may depend, but even if we have to do so, are justified, and are ultimately adjudged to have been justified, the aftermath is likely to be very unpleasant at best.
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