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Old December 21, 2012, 12:01 AM   #20
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Join Date: May 3, 2012
Location: Southwestern Colorado
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Karl I agree that that rabid anti-gunners do not understand the constitution, nor will they accept well reasoned arguments based on truth. None of my reply is about them.
My reply is for the average person that right now is very upset and looking for answers. If we don't have answers that make sense and refute the seemingly reasonable arguments, then we deserve the loss of the rights we didn't fight hard enough for.
I make my living in sales. I'm surrounded every day by people who can make anything sound like the truth. Think about that for a second. These people have that same ability. What will save us from them persuading our friends and neighbors that they are right? Us, armed with facts, patiently, reasonably, making them look like the liars and extremists that they are.
Gaily bedight, A gallant knight In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of El Dorado
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