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Old November 29, 2009, 06:18 PM   #56
Rollin Thunder
Join Date: August 5, 2008
Location: South Florida
Posts: 26
For a view to broaden the perspective, Markham Park is a county (Broward) owned park. It's in South Florida, west of Fort Lauderdale and a couple of miles north of the(Miami) Dade/ Broward county lines.
The Range Officer's are current or retired Broward County Sheriff Deputies. They have a training area for the Sheriff's dept. and other local, perhaps Federal LEO's.

I personally don't know the specific law. I do know there could very well have been a ATF agent there, that particular day.
What I will say is, if the op has a firearm that requires BATF documentation/stamps, he should know what is required of him before he takes the firearm anywhere.
As many people have posted, it could have made for a very long day..... regardless of who is right or wrong.
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