Thread: Pepper spray
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Old September 16, 2005, 01:57 PM   #40
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DT- we're clearly talking past each other....

Running and weight training and martial arts are ways of physical conditioning to increase your ability to function when your body wants to quit due to fatigue or anxiety or even if you get shot or injured. People that CCW often forget that your trigger finger isn't the only thing that needs to be conditioned.

For those that HAVE been in REAL fights, it's difficult to think clearly and for your body to function properly. Try doing some exercise to simulate a physical struggle and then draw your gun and see how accurate you shoot. It's more difficult because your heart races, your palms are sweaty, you start breathing harder, sweat is in your eyes, etc. making combat more difficult. Coincidence that our LEO and soldiers do PT?

I don't see why the connection is so difficult....

"tossing a cat through" is called sarcasm. Sorry if you were absent that day. I'm not literally going to toss a cat through a .40 hole in a perp's chest. However, to the perp the hole will probably feel that big and it won't matter if it's really only a quarter that can fit there, because he'll soon be in a pine box and I'll have a couple bruised ribs that will heal in a month.

As far as the jams, again you're missing the point. I don't carry a POS for a gun nor do I load POS ammo. My odds of needing deadly force are probably 1 in a million. But, since it's very important, I do carry. The odds of my gun failing once at any given time are probably 1 in 10,000. Failure twice in a row is probably 1 in 50,000. The odds of my gun failing AT THE SAME TIME AS I GET ATTACKED are so remote that I never consider it. If it fails once, I clear the jam in less than one second and move on (BTW much faster than reload, no doubt about it). The odds of my gun failing a second time are nearly impossible and in the realm of "ain't never gonna happen" category. AND, IN THE COSMIC UNIVERSALLY WEIRD case that it does, you know what. I'll clear it a second time while you're fumbling for your magazine and be shooting my 3rd round and my 4th round and probably my 5th round while you're taking aim with your fresh magazine. If I didn't trust my semi auto, I'd carry a revolver where the odds of failure are so far removed as to not have any concerns. But if the ammo fails, pulling the trigger a second shot is instantaneous.

Please, carry a second mag if you're that concerned about it. Along with OC and two knives and two flashlights, I think it's useless.
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