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Old December 4, 2005, 09:46 PM   #14
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Join Date: November 9, 2004
Location: USA - east of the continental divide
Posts: 924
Your college wants you to be a victim to? Hmmmm, so does mine....
90 to 95% of colleges and universities in America are controlled by leftist/liberal/Democrat/socialist "intellectuals.":barf:

They don't give a rat's sphincter about how many students are raped, robbed or beaten half to death as long as the institution does not get sued by the victims - and as long as the socialist anti-gun party line is preached by the institution and submitted to by the sheeple (sorry, I meant students).

It appears that in the view of those that run the "institutions of higher learning" that rape, robbery and beatings are to be accepted as part of college life by the students.

This is evidenced by the fact that these crimes - all felonies, by the way - are overwhelmingly ignored or covered up by those running the universities. After all, they can't have negative publicity cutting into their revenue and shattering the image of campus as island of leftist/liberal/Democrat/socialist utopia.

Bottom line - the university can't/won't provide for your safety. In that regard, you are on your own. If you are serious about your personal safety, you must say "f" the university's rules and provide for your safety by any and all means necessary.

If you choose to submit to being an unarmed victim, they can engrave your headstone with, "He/she died for a noble leftist/socialist ideal - unarmed victimhood."
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