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Old July 30, 2012, 11:26 AM   #43
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BlueTrain, several of the founders openly viewed the militias as defense against tyranny. They were not in favor of a strong central government, and wanted each state to have the ability to back up its disagreement with the central government with force, if necessary, to prevent a return to royalist rule or dictatorship.

Several of them openly stated that the people should never be forced to give up personal arms.

You seem to insist on applying modern interpretations of phrasing, over the meanings those phrases had at the time, according to the men who drafted them.

The problem we keep running into, though, is that the central government has grown stronger not through military means, but through granting itself more and more taxation powers, and holding states hostage to fiscal extortion.

And people seem ok with that, because many of them reap perceived benefits from that same central government - never caring that the government obtained the funds necessary for those benefits by taking them from others.

As Chris Rock put it, "I don't pay taxes - the government takes taxes."

Americans are notorious for not knowing their history. The lessons of the fall of Rome seem lost on the majority. (Paying off the mob - as in the "entitled" masses not the Mafia - can only go on for so long before things fall apart.)

Anyway, a disproportionately strong federal government is exactly what the founders did not want.
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