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Old December 12, 2001, 07:39 PM   #11
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Join Date: July 20, 2000
Location: pasadena,california,America
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There is some concern...of course, it is your life if you want to check out potential trouble without your weapon.

It seems that quite a few people on TFL intend to check out potential trouble with a gun in hand when it's trouble coming to the house. You've expressed concerns to the contrary.

Please think it through...if you suspect trouble in the night and you are not prepared with a weapon, how fast do you think that you can access that weapon before they kick your door down? If you want to see how fast they can knock a door down, please watch the TV program, "Cops." Then time yourself as you reach your weapon.

Usually, the BG's would have the element of surprise so you knock down a few seconds for reaction time.

Seriously, they're bringing the possibility of a gun fight to you and I ceretainly wouldn't want to show up to a gunfight without a gun. Would you?
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