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Old February 21, 2013, 05:34 PM   #11
Senior Member
Join Date: May 3, 2009
Location: Central Texas
Posts: 3,930
A few things that can help anyone shoot a little better.

1. Find an instrutor. Since you are new a simple one hour session with a decent instrutor to learn the fundamentals is advised. It helps to have someone not only tell you, but that is there in person to show you.

2. Double up hearing protection. This helps to prevent a lot of flinching.

3. The practices of rifle marksmanship is the same. The guys that do well do the same thing over, and over every time. Then they do it again.

4. If you can get a .22 lr rifle, and a brick or two of ammo. Then find an apple seed event near you.

There is more though that is a good start.
No matter how many times you do it and nothing happens it only takes something going wrong one time to kill you.
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